Die richtige Klimaprüfung für dein Produkt

No manufacturer wants their product to suddenly fail in rain, heat, or cold. Reliability is key – and that’s exactly what climate testing ensures.

What Types of Climate Tests Exist?

There are many different tests, but three are particularly important:

  • Constant Humid Heat Test
  • Cyclic Humid Heat Test
  • Cyclic Humid Heat Test with Frost


Sounds complicated? Don’t worry, we’ll break it down for you.

The Humidity Test

In this test, the product is exposed to a constant temperature and humidity level over a longer period – almost like being in a sauna, but under precisely defined conditions.

Why is this important? Humidity can cause damage such as:

✅ Corrosion of metal parts
✅ Mold growth
✅ Material deformation

How long the product needs to withstand these conditions depends on standards like IEC 60068-2-78 or specific product requirements.

The Stress Test with Temperature Fluctuations

Not all products are only exposed to humidity – temperature changes also play a role.

This is where Test CB comes into play:
🌡 Alternating temperatures + high humidity
🌙 Simulation of day-night fluctuations
🔎 Checking whether moisture penetrates small cracks

This phenomenon is called “breathing” – as temperatures change, the material absorbs and releases moisture. Over time, this can lead to corrosion or material detachment.

Condensation Test – An Underrated Test

Another critical factor is condensation.

Imagine this: You have an electronic device inside a car. Outside, it’s cold; inside, the heating warms it up – and suddenly, condensation forms on cold surfaces.

The problem:

⚠️ Water can enter the device
⚠️ Corrosion and short circuits can occur

The condensation test simulates this exact effect. The product is exposed to cyclic temperature changes in a climate chamber to test its resistance to condensation.

This test is especially relevant for electronics in vehicles or mechanical engineering.

How Do I Find the Right Climate Test for My Product?

Ask yourself:
1️⃣ Where will the product be used? (Outdoors, indoors, extreme temperatures?)
2️⃣ What environmental factors will affect it? (Humidity, frost, temperature changes?)
3️⃣ What failures do I want to prevent? (Corrosion, material fatigue, malfunctions?)

If you’re unsure, ask the experts! At enveon, we specialize in standards and regulations and help you find the right climate test for your product.

Why Is It Worth the Effort?

Sure, climate tests take time and money. But the alternative?

❌ Product failures at the customer’s end
❌ Expensive recalls
❌ Damage to your brand’s reputation

A well-planned climate test ensures your product functions reliably – whether in heat, frost, or high humidity.

And in the long run, that pays off.


Climate tests aren’t just a “nice-to-have” – they’re a must for anyone who wants to ensure their product performs under real-world conditions.

The right test protects your product from unpleasant surprises. 🚀

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Quality that goes beyond the test

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